"The old idea of a good bargain was a transaction in which one man got the better of another. The new idea of a good contract is a transaction which is good for both parties to it."
Justice Louis D. Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court (1916-1939) "The true function of our profession should be to gain an acceptable result in the shortest possible time with the least amount of stress and at the lowest possible cost to the client." Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, U.S. Supreme Court (1969-1986) "I believe you keep a lawyer. I have always kept a lawyer, too, though I have never made anything out of him. It is a service to an author to have a lawyer. There is something so disagreeable in having a personal contact with a publisher. So it is better to work through a lawyer - and lose your case." Mark Twain "I don't think you can make a lawyer honest by an act of legislature. You've got to work on his conscience. And his lack of conscience is what makes him a lawyer." Will Rogers "Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has the superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough." Abraham Lincoln "Litigation: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage. Litigant: A person about to give up his skin for the hope of retaining his bone." Ambrose Bierce "It is unfair to believe everything we hear about lawyers. Some of it might not be true." Gerald F. Lieberman "He who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client." Proverb |